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« Fastballs, Curveballs and the Market Process --- RIP Jerry Ellig | Main | Combustible Combinations and the Secrets of Development Economics »


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The film is fantastic. It should go a ways toward providing Thomas Sowell's ideas the appreciation they deserve.

With respect to Knowledge and Decisions, I have wondered whether it lacks recognition to some extent because it defies easy categorization (other than as an extension of Hayek's ideas on the use of knowledge). It is not usually associated with Law and Economics or Institutional Economics (or, at least, it is on their periphery). However, I believe it falls squarely in the tradition of both groups, especially the latter. It is a detailed study of how various institutions and organizations obtain and use knowledge and produce relatively better or worse decisions.

I can't wait to read the biography.

As for the therapy, I can say that now is definitely not the time to conduct group therapy, I think it is clear why. But now it is also possible to get quality text therapy. It's just that many people don't know where to find a good specialist and where not to refuse with any problems. I have already found such specialists, they are all certified and really help. Therefore, you should visit them through online counseling and they will really help, I have no doubt about it. I really hope that I can somehow help with this difficult case. They will save me from apathy and real confusion, now I am a better version of myself.

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