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Why is economics limited to studying only peaceful human cooperation? Can't it explain conflict and violence too?

Prof Horwitz. Thank you for your fine work. You are a great teacher. A deep bow of respect to you.

You write: "The reality of the last two centuries is that we have beaten our swords into plowshares and our spears into pruning hooks as we’ve learned that the liberal institutions of property, contract, and voluntary exchange are superior to violence and war."

I am dismayed to note that the US has a stockpile of nuclear weapons that could destroy the world a few hundred times over. I don't see them being turned into plowshares any time soon.,

Santa: Sure it can. I wanted to emphasize the other issues in this talk for a variety of reasons.

Atanudey: My "we" was hardly limited to the US. All of humanity is a less violent place (per capita) than it used to be. In particular, the way we interact directly one-on-one is much more about peaceful exchange than violent appropriation.

And FWIW.... "As of 2017, the US has an estimated 4,018 nuclear weapons in either deployment or storage. This figure compares to a peak of 31,225 total warheads in 1967 and 22,217 in 1989, and does not include "several thousand" warheads that have been retired and scheduled for dismantlement."

Swords and spears have, in fact, been turned into plowshares and pruning-hooks over the last 50 and 30 years.

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