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The book is listed for $135 on amazon (168 pages). Priced for libraries.

John --

It is called a scholarly monograph, and libraries are full of them.

Authors have no control over the price of the books, that is set by publishers. And pricing a book at a trade publication price doesn't mean it will sell to the targeted audience. This is a book written by a scholar intended for other scholars.

Finally, I don't think I have ever met an academic author that is completely happy with either the pricing or the marketing of their books.

Reading a book doesn't require owning it, just borrow from the library and if they don't have there is a thing called interlibrary loan services.

BTW, I am sure in short order a paperback copy and a digital copy of Storr's book will be made available.

Sounds interesting.

How does it compare with McCloskey's works on values and "Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress" by Lawrence E. Harrison, Samuel P. Huntington?

Taylor & Francis are selling the digital version for $135 ... which is more than the device to read it!

... if priced similar to, say, Living Economics I'd snap it up.

Sounds like a book I should ask my library to procure.

Peter, are you familiar with Hayek's essay on what he called "Market Morals"? I had Jeffrey Tucker track it down and he put in online in April 2011. Sounds like Storr used Hayek as a spingboard:

More here:


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