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Congratulation Nick! No doubt you'll do great at Ohio!

Congrats! That's a heck of a committee!

Dr. Snow, congratulations!!!

Congratulations, Nick.

Please accept my congratulations and best wishes on the job, Nick.

Richard Ebeling

Congratulations to Nick, but I'm at a loss to understand what the distinction is between a hooligan and a pol....
Oh, I know, the hooligan doesn't invoke the Keynesian multiplier and national security to justify his depradations.

Congrats. I hope to be joining you soon enough. Any word on placement?

The offspring of Rick Moranis gets a PhD.


Congratulations Nick! Best wishes in your new job!

You would think serious scholars and those who respect the occasion would wear suits to a dissertation defense. Or at the very least tuck your shirt in and maybe forgo the jeans.

Dear Marc,

Formal ceremony is on Thursday May 17, and on that occasion dress will be different. In fact, we will be in graduation gowns, etc.

When I have been on committees in Europe, the defense itself is done in formal graduation gowns, etc. In Latin America, the defense we more like a jury trial. In the US, it is more like a small seminar meeting with the candidate and the committee.

Depends on the academic culture and also on the disciplinary culture.

Adam Smith wore shorts to work.

Congrats! Ohio State is a great school - they have to be pretty good to let me graduate.

Love the paper topic!!!!

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