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Warren was kind and helpful to me in my early career. He engaged me in a long correspondence and a few phone calls on an article that eventually became “Invisible-Hand Explanations and Neoclassical Economics: Toward a Post Marginalist Economics.” He challenged me, certainly, but never by simply contradicting my basic perspective or disparaging the invisible hand. I don’t think I could have gotten the argument into a presentable shape without him, certainly not at that time. Later, he and I were on a panel Pete organized to celebrate the memory of Ludwig Lachmann. It was a stimulating panel and his comments were brilliant. Shortly afterward, he approached me and Gary Mongiovi to edit a memorial volume on Lachmann, which we published with Routledge under the title “Subjectivism and Economic Analysis: Essays in Memory of Ludwig Lachmann.” Amazingly, it still sells enough to generate royalty checks. Warren Samuels was a true scholar. He believed in the community of inquiry, and he was right. May he rest in peace.

Ross Emmett has a fitting tribute to Warren from the SHOE list here:

And by Eric Schliesser here:

Please post others as you come upon them.

Warren was one of those of whom it can be said without any qualification that he was a gentleman and a scholar. My only regret is that I failed to complete on time an assignment that he had given me that still sits on my desk...:-(.

I never really knew him but I know of his influence on many people. It is a bad thing that despite all of his scholarship, I doubt that many graduate students have ever heard of him.

Warren eventually published a version of that paper in his new editing venture, Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Vol. 6 (1989) along with his paper and invited comments from leading scholars in history of thought, institutionalism, and Austrianism.

R.I.P. Warren Samuels was a powerful thinker and influence in the economics literature. I hope that students continue to read him in the many years to come.

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The article is worth reading,Thank you very much! I will keep your new articles.

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