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Great Grand Advisor -- Mises
Grand Advisor -- Kirzner
Not officially recognized Advisor -- Lachmann
Advisor -- Lavoie
Aunt Advisor -- Karen Vaughn
Advisor Drinking Buddy --- Jack High
Disowned Uncle -- Murray Rothbard
Golden Boy -- David Prychitko
Troubled Step Sibling -- Suzanne Payne
Cellmates -- Cordato, Palasek, Horwitz, Chamlee-Wright, Baejter, Zygmont, etc.

Come on, play the game --- UCLA, UVA, VPI, NYU, Auburn, etc. grads.

Horwitz will probably have the same family tree as me, but I wonder how Prychitko would fill this out!

Pete, where would you put Hayek?

You neglected to name the earthworm at the bottom!

Great Grand Advisors – Frank Taussig & Frederick Ogilvie
Grand Advisors— James W. Angell & Ragnar Nurkse
Long-lost cousin (via Angell): Charles P. Kindelberger
Not officially recognized Advisors – Lachmann and Dick Langlois
Advisor -- Yeager
Advisor Drinking Buddy --- Yeager
Disowned Uncle – Andy Schotter
Golden Boy – Roger Garrison
Troubled Step Sibling – William Woolsey
Cellmates – Don Boudreaux, Sandy Ikeda, Sharon Gifford, Fernando Alvarez, Mark Phillips, George Selgin, Don Lavoie, Richard Ebeling, Frank Machovec, John Egger

Great Great Grand Advisor -- Mises
Great Grand Advisor -- Hans Sennholz
Grand Advisor -- Philippe Nataf
Advisor -- Antoine Gentier

and the skeleton? Keynes?

This makes my head spin.

This really doesn't make sense in my case. For me there are two lines: one the Chicago line -- Knight, Stigler (although not the chair of my dissertation committee).

The other an Austrian line: Mises, Hayek, Lachmann with Rothbard eventually disowning me (as he did with all independent-minded people). Both lines remain important to me. Kirzner is an older colleague whom I must say I found a bit too reluctant to adopt or entertain new ideas. But he was a valuable critic.

Overall, I have a real problem with the notion of an "advisor" when it means something more than one's dissertation chair. (And for me my dissertation was not an important part of my scholarly experience -- just an irritant. My chair was William Landes, a very competent and good person.)

From these difficulties the whole structure in the picture is a confusion to me.

Sorry, I do not play games well.

I don't suppose you will know the management sorts here but I'll do it for laughs.

Great Grand Advisor -- Alfred Chandler
Grand Advisor -- Bruce Scott
Not officially recognized Advisor -- Steve Lippman
Advisor -- Dick Rumelt
Disowned Uncle & Aunt Advisor -- Steve and Virgina Postrel
Advisor Drinking Buddy --- Henry Mintzberg
Golden Boy -- Jeff Dyer
Troubled Step Sibling -- Most UCLA Strategy and Organization students were deeply troubled
Cellmates -- Anne Marie Knott, Don Hatfield, Doug Johnson, Africa Arino, Russ Coff, Petra Christman.........

Okay, I'll play and it does look similar to Pete's.

Great Grand Advisor -- Mises
Grand Advisor -- Kirzner
Not officially recognized Advisor -- Selgin
Advisor -- Lavoie
Aunt Advisor -- Karen Vaughn
Advisor Drinking Buddy --- Jack High
Disowned Uncle -- Murray Rothbard
Golden Boy -- Jerry Ellig
Troubled Step Sibling -- Dan Mitchell (just cuz I like poking fun at him)
Cellmates -- Boettke, Prychitko, Gary O'Callaghan, Mike Becker, Pam Shumway, Deb Walker, Emily C-W, Nancy (Mitchell) Pfotenhauer.

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