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I haven't read anything by Cornuelle. It's time to start.

Lovely, Pete.

Indeed. Dick offered a powerful and compelling vision of classical liberalism that has inspired many, including me. I met him once - he struck me as an unusually gracious and genuine man. Thank you Pete for this tribute.

Amazing tribute. I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but his passion for the less privileged is manifest in his writing.

Bill Dennis has a tribute to Dick:

Gus DiZerega has a tribute:

Lenore Ealy has a tribute:

Nick Snow has uncovered a book review by Richard Ebeling of Healing America from Libertarian Review:

For the young idealistic students there, the reason why Cornuelle's research agenda is more productive in my opinion than the more traditional natural rights radical libertarianism is the empirical nature of the program as opposed to purely philosophical/ethical, and the focus on the mechanisms that coordinate social action outside the realm of the state, as opposed to the ethical assessment of state action.

Here is a link to Dick's TLS essay:

A few more tributes to Dick:

Jeffrey Friedman ...

Brian Doherty --

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