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"The move from "what happened" to "why it happened""

But these aren't fully independent.

Consider adaptive biological attributes and the origin of species.

Answering the "why it happened" question informs our "what happened" question.

Consider in the case of the origin of money -- you have archeologists answering the "what happened" question -- using primitive everyday economic understanding which explains "why it happened".

And you don't need career enhancing math constructs to do any of this.

Tim Harford's book The Undercover Economist is one of my favorite books to gift. It's a great book to get people thinking and seeing economics in their everyday lives.

Now now, Pete, didn't we all learn from Henry Ford that "history is bunk"? :-)

So your saying History say History is Bunk? lol

Article written by very good, very serious, very much agree with you some thoughts

Good at planning, good at time management.*

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