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FEE Seminars @ Hotlanta.

No, no no, none of those guys. Its the guy who played the priest in The Fifth Element - Ian Holm. Not sure how to paste an image here. Google him.


How about Richard Dreyfuss?

I don't know who would play Lu, but I know who would play Uncle Steve:

Oh no, not Kilmer. What about russell crowe? ;)

In grad school, I decided that someday (after tenure, of course), I wanted to write a history of economic thought in the style of a broadway musical. I wanted Ralph Bellamy and Don Ameche to play Mises and Hayek (they were the Duke Brothers in "Trading Places"). Unfortunately, Bellamy died some time ago.

Michael Caine, perhaps?

Say hello to long-lost Frederic!

Michael Caine would do a great Mises. I get the impression he's quite like him too.

Hey, enough of this kidding around! It is time to get back to brawling over monetary theory!

Previously on "Austrian Idol"...

How about Jackie Chan? Instead of dodging and escaping the NAZI's he could kick some NAZI butt.

Paul Giamatti as Mises.

Michael Richards as Hans Mayer.

How about the guy who played Bilbo Baggins in the Lord of the Rings?

> Bilbo Baggins in the Lord of the Rings?

That's Ian Holm, who Peter Lewin suggested above.

I wonder what a film about European intellectuals leaving Europe at that time would be like. There are so many of them and many of their stories are interesting.

Ian Holm - independent confirmation - looks like him and can act like him I am sure. What is the prize?

Friendship and bravery.

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