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Maybe kids act more wimpy because they can get away with it. Mollycoddling them won't permanently damage them, but they could be in for a rude surprise if they wind up with Professor Horwitz, after which they'll straighten up.

If I understand you correctly, you are saying lawyers should not have kids. That seems a bit harsh, eh.

Not in your case Stephan. ;)

Prof. Horwitz,

Amen to your post-- I've read Skenazy's blog some and couldn't agree more with her mentality. I would only add that putting kids to work at an early age has the same effects-"child labor builds character." My dad put me and my brother to work from the age of 12 or so, and I'm talking dirty, sweaty, tough construction work. I'm sure he violated several child labor laws. But we came out so much better for it. We gained personal values (work ethic) and learned economic lessons. My dad is a natural entrepreneur, and a lot of that rubbed off on us in ways we didn't realize at the time. Most of my buddies in high school started work much later, if at all; by working young, I had a 6 or 8 year jump on them.Moreover, the building trades I learned continue to serve me- I worked my way through college and grad school remodeling houses, and I'll never have to call a plumber to fix my pipes (although someday I might when my opp. cost rises).

Thanks, dad, for breaking the law!

A former employer of mine did a study of a couple of hundred Fortune 500 CEOs and successful entrepreneurs. I never saw all his raw data, and if he ever published it, I'm not aware of it. But he claimed that the only thing they all had in common was that they all had jobs by at least their early teen years.

I did not realize (until now, at nearly age 50) that my mother deserved at least a "tie" for the America's Worst Mom prize. She allowed (nay, encouraged) me to take public transportation -- unaccompanied -- from our home just outside the southeast city line of Washington, DC to the monuments, museums and government buildings at the heart of our nation's capital. The bus trips took me through some of the worst slums in America (during the late 1960s, one of the most tumultuous periods in that area). I spent lots of time at various Smithsonian museums, the Capitol and some of the monuments. So, thanks, mom!

Best regards,

this is the lesson of "Finding Nemo" :)

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