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"Take teachers not courses" anything taught by John List.

I suspect my suggestion, Introduction to Empirical Research with Steve Levitt will get little traction here.

Pushing the envelope of time travel just a little bit, I'd go with a graduate micro course with the man himself, Armen Alchian.

Ec 10 with Mankiw. Those Harvard kids are lucky to get a solid base of economics with such a great professor.

Oh I was going to say Quantum Electrodynamics with Richard Feynman, but then I saw the actual question.

Pete, are you saying that two of your top three econ classes in the world are at GMU? Or are you factoring in the hassle of taking a class at LSE?

Anything by McCloskey.

Public and Environmental Affairs - Workshop in Public Policy, Elinor Ostrom

I would take "Economics in the Bloomsbury Group" at Duke:

Note the suggestion by Dan to take List. I think your impressions are flawed. Levitt's natural experiment approach is intriguing to many of us.

Something like "Economic History of Humanity" with Douglass North.


I like Zac's Levitt recommend. I would also like public choice with Bryan Caplan, "constitutional econ" by Boettke, and "econ develop" by Easterly. Since the question is singlular I would most pick Easterly - reflecting on the wealth of nations started things off, and there are so many deep questions.

I agree with Dan. I didn't know he was a List fan, too!

Economic Sociology with Swedberg!

Something on labor markets with Edna Bonacich or urban sociology with William Julius Wilson.

more ETHICS.

NOBODY takes enough courses in ETHICS.

if more people studied ethics, we might not have such social equivocation about one's vocation for corruption...

perspective, people.


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Dan Hausman's course in Philosophy and Economics was pretty guys should probably hypothetically hit that up.

I/O with Steve Margolis.

BlueBerry Pick'n, evidence does not support the idea that courses in ethics reduce behaviors considered unethical, such as stealing.

Doh, forgot that links get removed:

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