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Smith, Bastiat, Hayek, Friedman

Got to agree with Unit.

Boettke, Sautet, Horwitz, Coyne

Probables: Smith, Lord Acton, Menger, Mises, KRP, Hayek
Possibles: Hume, Bastiat, Say, Hazlitt, Friedman. Plus Rand, Sowell and Hutt (in his wheelchair) to keep on side with the Equal Opportunity people.

Funny to see IHS's version of "political correctness." Must have two men and two women. I like Rand and Paterson -- and Rothbard, for that matter. But there are many better, including Mises.

My t-shirt replaces Paterson with Thomas Jefferson.

I have that same shirt Jeremy and it's very nice.

If we had to stick with a theme of historical American political figures, I'd choose Jefferson, Mason, and Patrick Henry- anti-federalists all.

How about among living economists?

I'd go for Shleifer, Easterly ... hmmm ...

What about some German representation, perhaps one or more of von Humboldt, Savigny and Weber?

I've got you covered Rafe (... and as for some minority representation besides Sowell):

Max Weber, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich von Hayek, and Booker T. Washington.

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