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Last fall I was able to take Dr. Larry White's course on econonomic history and the assigned textbook was Walton and Rockoff "History of the American Economy". But like all good instructors, he actually never directly resorted to the book. I never read the book, but it is dedicated to Douglass North --- so it must be good!

This book may be useful:

A New Economic View of American History
By Atack and Passell

Although not a textbook, a good supplemental text might be Burt Folsom's "Myth of the Robber Barons."

I am sure you would love Howard Zinn's "A people histoy of America".

You joke Markss, but I do ask them to read Gabriel Kolko's *The Triumph of Conservatism*.

And thanks for the suggestions on supplements. I'm fine there though. What I'm interested in are my options on more traditional textbooks.

It has been a few years (qualifier), but as mentioned by a previous commenter, I seem to recall A New View of Economic History as being a pretty solid text.

Try Larry Schweikart's _The Entrepreneurial Adventure: A History of Business in the United States_.

I took an economics of american history course with Werner Troesken last year. Dr. Troesken used a series of papers for each topic instead of one textbook. I know you are looking for a base text, but I found that to be more stimulatiing reading all of the different authors than using one text.

I used the Hughes and Cain in my AEH class and I can't say that I wound up a statist for reading it.

I agree with Economic History Student's recommendation.

I also recommend Schwikart's _Entrepreneurial Adventure_. Burt Folsom uses this for his economic history class. Of course, Folsom's own _Myth of the Robber Barons_ is indispensible, in my opinion. I'm biased because I had the good fortune of taking his class.

I liked Armentano's book on anti-trust and monopoly. There is some great economic and political history in the book.

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