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The secularisation thesis probably failed because the various secular, scientific and rationalistic alternatives to religous belief (Marxism, scientism etc) are themselves based on "true belief" premises and so they do not challenge the framework that sustains the traditional religions. This is a rather large topic to pursue in a small comment but Bill Bartley's work on "justificationism" maybe helpful.

Bartley showed that we tend to be hostages to a dogmatic framework of thought in which knowledge and rationality depend on 'true belief.' This is essentially a religious framework but it tends to persist even when people turn away from conscious adherence to religious beliefs. The true belief framework, not surprisingly, generates true believers who do not accept the challenge of creative self-criticism that is required to eliminate error and generate fresh problems and insights.

Boettke, you gotta let us Northern folk know when you (or any other Austrians) are speaking in our neck of the woods. It's not often we get a good lecture and I would have loved to attend your seminar.

Are you speaking any where else in the Boston area this week?

I posted the article because I felt a good discussion about it was called for. As you will note at the intro, I cut out several paragraphs that I felt were over the top and not substantiated, and some images that were not originals and could not be sourced.

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